Glock AC - Armorer's Course
Glock AC - Armorer's Course
P.O.S.T Hours
Course Fee
Out of State Fee
Vendor Fee
No Show Fee
Course Summary
Learn how to safely use and maintain your weapon in this fast paced one day class. Topics to be covered include: safe action system design, function of safeties, unloading and clearing, field stripping and reassembly, detail disassembly and reassembly of slide, detail disassembly and reassembly of receiver, fire control component, and configurations and engagement.
Course Requirements
To receive Wyoming POST credit students must attend a minimum of 90% of the course and actively participate.
Special Instructions
The fee for the course is $250 and will be paid to Glock during their registration process. An additional fee of $65 will be paid to W.L.E.A. for lodging and meals. The uniform for this course is appropriate firearms armorers clothing. This is a dual Registration Course. Register with Glock Training for the actual course. Register with WLEA for Room and Board. Both links will be available below.